Flexible Video-Cystoscope

  • Flexible Video-Cystoscope Factory
  • Flexible Video-Cystoscope Factory
  • Flexible Video-Cystoscope Factory
Flexible Video-Cystoscope
  • Dajing
  • China
  • 7 Days
  • 300/weeks

(1)Flexible endoscope;
(2)Field of view:120°
(3)Working length(mm): 380mm
(4)Deepth of feild(mm): 5-50
(5)Bending angle(mm): Up 210°/Down 130°

Flexible Video-Cystoscope for urethra and bladder diagnosis and treatment


Field of view:120°

Outer diameter of insertion part (mm):16.2Fr (Diameter 5.4mm)

Instruments channel (mm ):6.6Fr (Diameter 2.2mm)

Working length (mm):380mm

Deepth of field (mm):5 - 50mm

Bending angle:Up210° / Down130°mm

CMEF Shanghai
CMEF Shanghai
Dajing display room
Dajing display room
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