Function and efficacy of three-chip endoscope camera system
Endoscopic camera systems have been widely used in various departments, and are commonly used in otolaryngology, urology, gynecology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, medical aesthetics and other departments. They are suitable for various endoscopy fields such as otoscopes, sinusoscopes, nasopharyngeal mirrors, laparoscopes, hysteroscopes, arthroscopy, interlaminar foramina mirrors, ureteroscopes, and fiberoptic bronchoscopes. In the medical field, medical endoscopes are mainly used in surgical operations and routine medical examinations. Compared with traditional surgical operations, the functional minimally invasive surgical technology of medical endoscopes has been widely accepted by doctors and patients. Medical endoscopes use natural holes in the human body or open a few small holes when necessary. Doctors only need to skillfully insert the endoscope lens into the body, and through other surgical instruments and camera display systems, they can perform closed surgical operations in the body outside the body.