The development history of endoscopy-the stage of rigid endoscopy (1806-1932) Part4


Edison invents the incandescent lamp 

In 1883, Newman of Glasgow replaced the heating wire used in the original cystoscope with a small incandescent lamp. In 1887, Dittell placed the bulb at the forefront of the cystoscope. This lighting system became the endoscope used in that period. The standard way. In 1889, Boisseau du Rocher introduced an endoscope in which the eyepiece can be separated from the housing, and different lens systems can also be used through the housing. The successful application of endoscopes in the genitourinary system has prompted people to apply them to other parts of the human body. 

In 1881, Mikulicz and Leiter used Nitze's hard tube optical system to successfully make the first gastroscope suitable for clinical use. Mikulicz used the gastroscope at the Billroth Surgical Clinic in Vienna to examine many patients and obtain diagnostic results. The rigid gastroscope developed by Theodore Rosenheim in 1895 consists of three tubes arranged in concentric circles. The central tube is an optical structure. The second layer of the tube is equipped with a platinum wire ring bulb and a water-cooled structure. The outer wall is engraved with The scale reflects the depth of the lens.

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