Coordination of Cerebellopontine Angle Surgery under Sinusoscope


With the development of sinusoscopy surgical techniques in the field of rhinology, due to the development of sinusoscopy

It has a series of advantages such as multi-angle, intuitive, and less damage, which gradually expands to nerve

In the field of surgery, it has become a treatment for facial spasm, trigeminal neuralgia, and Meniere's disease.

valuable method. Sinusoscopy with cerebellopontine angle surgery for good results

We believe that the cooperation of this type of surgery has its corresponding characteristics: ① Surgical nurses

Staff should systematically master the requirements and procedures of sinusoscopy. ② Specialist surgical nurses can

Works well with surgery. ③ Operating room nurses should also have relevant brain knowledge.

④The sinusoscope should be regularly maintained to ensure its functional status. ⑤ Intraoperative lenses should be used

Repeated rinsing with normal saline cannot leave residual disinfectant. ⑥Placement and removal of sinusoscope

Poisons should be careful, avoid collision, do not twist the fiber beam, and the diameter of the coil should not exceed

30cm. ⑦Cerebellopontine angle surgery requires high sterility, and strict aseptic technique should be performed during the operation do

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